
If you recently got a well water supply system or are considering getting one, understanding the basics of what’s involved and how it works may help you detect and prevent problems. While well systems can vary, they all have certain components that are necessary for them to function properly. Here are several key parts of a well system and what you should know about each of them.

What Are the Components of a Well Water Supply System?

1. Water Pump

The pump is responsible for pushing water throughout the system by pulling it from the ground to the surface. The liquid is then stored in tanks or routed directly to your home for access. Different types of water well pumps exist, such as above or below ground options, but all water pumps pull water upwards and help maintain the system’s water pressure.

2. Casing

water supply systemThe casing is what lines the borehole, or the hole that’s drilled down to access the water. It keeps the line open and contains the piping and wiring that go to the pump. It can be steel or PVC, and it prevents contamination and keeps the system from collapsing.

3. Well Screen

This component acts as a filter that keeps out sediments, like gravel and sand, while allowing water to move through the well. There are different screening systems that are best suited to different soil types, such as slotted pipe screens for areas with a high sand content since they have smaller openings that don’t allow sand through.

4. Aquifer & Water Table

The water table is the point below the ground at which water can be accessed. The well’s borehole has to go below this level to tap into the water supply.

The rock layer that contains the water is called an aquifer. It’s capable of producing or allowing for the transference of accessible water in amounts that are enough to support a well water supply system. 


Your well water supply system needs regular maintenance and inspections to keep these components working. Quackenbush Water Systems Company in Warwick, NY, has over 30 years of experience offering competitively priced well services. This licensed and insured business handles water well pump repairs and new system installations. Learn more about their services online, or call (845) 986-1900 to schedule an appointment.
