
Healthy employees who are feeling good and able to do their jobs effectively are the cornerstone of any business. You can protect your workers' health by giving them a clean workspace. When it comes to disinfectants, cleaning products help eliminate bacteria and viruses that may otherwise cause illnesses. Discover what it takes to disinfect a workspace below.

What Areas to Disinfect

If a person sneezes on their hands and then touches a doorknob, they will transmit germs to that surface. Another employee can then pick up those germs when they touch the doorknob. Since bacteria and viruses are constantly circulating in this manner, it's essential to disinfect surfaces that people interact with daily.

Focus on so-called “high-touch surfaces” that see a lot of activity. In an office, this includes light switches, door handles, elevator buttons, and desks. Everyday use areas like break-room kitchens and bathrooms are also important to tackle, along with computer keyboards and telephones.

What Cleaning Products to Use

cleaning productsThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend using an EPA-registered household disinfectant to clean surfaces, but a diluted household bleach solution can also be used. The solution should be left on the surface for at least one minute to allow the chemicals to eliminate all the germs. Another alternative is an alcohol solution with at least 70% alcohol.

Disinfectant wipes are the perfect cleaning product for frequently used electronics that are sensitive to moisture. This is because the solution quickly evaporates, is effective, and doesn’t damage electronics. Additionally, adding a wipeable cover to devices like keyboards and tablets makes cleaning easier and prevents moisture from potentially damaging the devices. 

Finally, help employees keep their own hands clean by providing them with adequate disinfection cleaning supplies. Add disinfectant dispensers, such as hand sanitizer stations, throughout the office. Make sure the bathroom is equipped with soap and paper towels or a hand-dryer for hand washing.  


South Central Kentucky Janitorial Suppliers of Somerset provides the tools and disinfectant solutions you need to keep your business clean—and your workers safe. They offer full-strength sanitizers for all surfaces, including countertops, floors, and tools, and they supply cleaning products like vacuum cleaners and paper products. With over 30 years in the business, they have a trusted reputation for top-quality goods and reliable customer service. Visit their website to review their offering or call them at (606) 678-0525 to place an order.
