
Hands-on projects provide excellent opportunities to get young students excited about the subject matter. For science teachers, there are plenty of fun experiments to conduct in the classroom with everyday materials. Packaged ice, in particular, makes for several engaging experiments.

3 Science Projects You Can Do With Packaged Ice

1. The Effects of Salt

As you make your way through the periodic table, you may be teaching students about the different properties of the most well-known elements. You can illustrate salt’s ability to lower the melting point of water by having students pour some onto a block or cubes.

Or for a sweet treat, have the students mix sugar, whipping cream, and vanilla in a bag. Then place the mixture in a larger bag filled with ice cubes. Pour in some salt to melt the ice and distribute the coolness to the inner bag to create ice cream.

2. A Test of Insulation

If you’re teaching a unit about thermal properties, demonstrate aluminum’s insulating qualities. Have each student bring in a shoebox or another small disposable container. Have them wrap the box’s interior and exterior with aluminum foil, then distribute pieces of packaged ice. Set one cube inside the wrapped box and one on a plate, so the students can see which melts quicker.

3. Ice vs. Freezer

packaged iceAnother lesson in thermodynamics, this experiment will also help students learn about creating and testing a hypothesis. Before the project begins, poll your class to find out whether they think soda will be chilled quicker by pouring in ice cubes or setting the drink in a freezer. You may need to visit the school cafeteria for this experiment.

Pour room-temperature soda into two cups, then distribute some of your packaged ice into one and set the other in the freezer. Have students take the temperature of the two cups at five-minute intervals for a half hour to see which method cools the soda more efficiently.


If your school or business needs bulk packaged ice, turn to Hawaiian Ice Company. Having served Oahu for two decades, this producer and distributor offers deliveries of block, crushed, and dry ice, and can even provide cooling truck rentals for events. Browse through their products and services online, or call (808) 538-6918 to discuss your needs with one of their team members.
