
Opossums likely aren't the first pests that come to mind when you suspect an infestation on your property, but these mammals can cause a significant amount of damage. If you notice these scavengers in the yard, call a wildlife removal specialist to avoid the following problems.

How Can Opossums Damage Your Property?

1. Waste

Many families notice opossums in their home because of their unique smell. If the animals are living in your attic, garage, or walls, they'll leave behind a musty scent of urine and feces that worsens over time. Possums will also bring their food onto your property to eat, and any scraps left behind will rot.

2. Destroyed Gardens

wildlife removalOpossums can create quite a mess in gardens as they search for food. The marsupials will eat nuts, fruits, and grass, and they can often be found in fruit trees where they'll gorge on fresh produce.

3. Chewing

Opossums can weigh between 8 and 14 pounds when full-grown. Due to their large size, they may get stuck in your home and try to chew their way out, damaging the insulation, drywall, or air ducts. They also might chew these materials willingly when creating a nest.

4. Tree Nests

Opossums have strong and flexible prehensile tails, which they can use to hold onto branches. Combine this with their nimble fingers, and these animals are champion tree climbers. You may find claw marks on tree bark from opossums climbing into their nests, or waste under the tree containing fruit pits.


If an opossum is damaging your property, call American Bio-Tech Wildlife Services in New Milford, CT, to set up an appointment for removal. This company is owned by a biologist and has relied on humane trapping and wildlife removal methods throughout the state since 1971. Contact the licensed specialists at (860) 355-1231 to schedule a consultation, or visit their website for information on their wildlife removal services.
