
When managing a large house becomes too time-consuming or physically draining, many seniors relocate to smaller apartments or assisted living communities. Moving can be stressful when you have several years’ worth of belongings, but luckily, there are some ways to make the transition easier. Follow these tips to streamline the move.

3 Moving & Packing Strategies for Seniors 

1. Consider the Layout 

When downsizing, let the layout of the new home guide your decisions on what to keep, donate, and put into offsite storage.

Lima-New-York-movingUse grid paper to draft floor plans of each room of the new space, making note of the square footage. Take measurements of furniture and other bulky items to determine what fits where. If a couch or table is too large, you may need to buy an alternative that fits.

2. Sort Everything 

Sorting belongings into “keep,” “donate,” and “discard” piles makes packing more manageable. Taking fewer belongings to the new place can cut down on moving costs, too.

Sell or donate unused electronics, outdated clothes, books you won’t reread, lawn equipment, and other possessions you won’t require in a small apartment or assisted living community. Throw out broken furniture and torn clothing.

3. Pack in Stages

When you have decades’ worth of belongings crammed in closets, the attic, and your garage, the thought of packing can be overwhelming.

Devise a detailed plan to break down the process into more manageable steps. For example, you can schedule one room for each day leading up to the move. Create your plan before hiring the movers to give yourself enough time.


If you’re moving within the Rochester, NY, area, contact the Lima-based movers at Caccamise Moving for help. These professionals have over 25 years of experience getting belongings to their new homes safely. They specialize in senior moves and offer competitive pricing. Learn about the assistance they offer on their website and call (585) 624-4616 to reserve moving services. 
