
Quality prenatal care protects both you and your baby, reducing your risk of complications and ensuring your child has everything they need to develop to term. If you’re expecting, here are a few tips that'll help you enjoy a healthy pregnancy.

What to Do When You’re Expecting

1. Maintain an Active Lifestyle

Unless you're facing complications that demand bedrest, pregnant women are usually advised to remain active. However, if you led a relatively sedentary lifestyle before conceiving, that doesn't necessarily mean you should start running marathons. After evaluating your situation, your doctor can propose a regimen that'll contribute to your health without causing undue stress on your body. Generally speaking, the average woman who doesn't have a high-risk pregnancy should get in 30 minutes of gentle, low-impact exercise a day.

2. Take a Prenatal Vitamin

prenatal carePrenatal vitamins supplement your diet, so you get all the nutrients your baby needs to stay on track developmentally throughout the pregnancy. Most women are advised to take them primarily because they don't get enough folic acid or iron through diet alone. Folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects, while iron supports healthy growth.

3. Modify Your Diet

Pregnant women should limit their consumption of several foods for a variety of reasons. For example, deli meat might be contaminated with listeria, which increases the risk of miscarriage. Likewise, consuming lots of fish that contain mercury could cause developmental delays or brain damage. Other foods to avoid include raw eggs, soft cheeses, and unwashed vegetables. As for beverages, cut out those that contain alcohol or caffeine.


For comprehensive prenatal care, turn to North Little Rock Women’s Clinic. This full-service gynecology practice cares for women throughout Pulaski County, AR. Founded in 1979, their team is equipped to treat women at all stages of life, from prenatal care to menopause management. To make an appointment today, call (501) 835-9444.
