
Many homeowners don’t realize their properties may have asbestos until they perform home improvements. Often found in vinyl tiles, cement, roofing felt, and reinforced plastics in older constructions, this group of fibrous minerals requires prompt asbestos abatement. The guide below outlines what to do if you think you’ve encountered this hazard.


Know how to identify it.

While some products that use asbestos are marked as such, you need to know how to identify these materials when you work on properties built between 1940 and 1970

Floor tiles that are 9- by 9-inches on older homes, as well as pipes with disintegrated insulation that has white or gray fibers on the fittings, likely contain these dangerous fibers. If you spot unknown crumbly fibers, stop working immediately. 

Wash all affected belongings.

Because this hazard is airborne, it can transfer throughout your home when you disturb it.

asbestos abatement Guilford County NCImmediately remove your clothing and wash all garments with hot water to remove any particles. Take a shower and thoroughly wash your hair, taking time to scrub your hands and any body parts that may have touched affected areas.


Go back to work.

A common myth is that dousing an area that has asbestos with water may prevent it from spreading and allow you to continue working. However, this is a misconception.

The pressure from a hose or power-washer can spread the fibers into the air and increase your exposure. To stay safe, stop what you’re doing and contact an asbestos abatement expert.

Try online removal methods.

Some websites may offer DIY abatement instructions, but if you try to remove asbestos without adequate respiratory protection and tools, you put your health at risk. Many DIY methods spread the fibers and don’t fully clean affected materials.

Experts wear disposable clothing covers, personal protective masks, and goggles to stay safe while handling asbestos. They also know what to look for to ensure every part of the home is sanitized.


If you encounter gray fibers while working on an older home, call EMR Services, Inc. in Guilford County, NC, for assistance. Based in High Point, this company has been protecting homes since 2001. They remediate walls, attics, and floors with precision, improving living conditions promptly and efficiently. Visit their website for images on their work with these materials, or call (336) 807-6569 to schedule an estimate for asbestos abatement.
