
When you move to a new home, one small, but important step is notifying agencies and businesses of your change of address. Anyone who uses your street address to communicate with you or deliver mail needs to be notified. Below are the main groups to contact when you move. 

Who Should You Contact When You Move?

1. Government Agencies

Both state and federal government officials keep your residency information and need to be notified of your new home. Contact the state tax agency, the IRS, the post office, and the Social Security Administration. Also, make sure to update your driver’s license or state ID card; in Texas, you have 30 days to document a change of address.

2. Financial Institutions

New Home-HoustonSome companies send you sensitive financial documents, so having mail go astray can be costly. These include letters from your bank, loan companies, and insurance providers. Be sure to update your home or renter’s insurance policy as appropriate. Lastly, changing your address with your employer will ensure you receive your paycheck and any communication related to your work.

3. Product Providers

The most obvious companies in this category are your utility companies, including gas, electric, water, phone, internet, and cable. If you receive regular deliveries of propane, heating oil, or other types of fuel, then cancel your service or redirect them to your new home. You should also update your address with other sellers, including online shopping sites. Finally, get in touch with any magazine or newsletter agencies to which you subscribe.


New HomeFor more advice about transitioning to your new home, get in touch with SWE Homes. Based in Houston, TX and serving Harris County, they offer owner financing for real estate even if you have poor credit. Call (713) 413-1000 or reach out online to get started with a free inquiry.
