
When you have a septic system in your property, it’s important to be mindful of what you pour down your drains and toss into the toilet. By taking care of your waste system, you can avoid the need for a septic tank repair. Here’s a guide to some of the items you should avoid inserting into the system.

3 Items That Shouldn’t Reach Your Septic System

1. Grease

You might think that since it’s a liquid, cooking grease can be dumped down the drain. However, it will harden over time, creating problematic clogs and leading to the need for a septic tank repair. Instead, grease should be left in a container to cool, then thrown away in the trash. 

2. Wipes, Napkins, & Paper Towels

septic tank repairBecause of their resemblance to toilet paper, these items are commonly tossed in the toilet. But since they’re thicker than generic toilet paper, they tend to clump in your pipes, causing a clog. When there’s a blockage, waste won’t be able to reach your septic system. 

3. Toxic Chemicals

Hazardous chemicals don’t belong in your drain. Usually, municipalities have special rules for how to dispose of them.

Pouring bleach or motor oil down the drain will kill the bacteria in your septic tank. Septic bacteria break down the waste in the tank before it flows into your drain field, so they’re a necessary part of the system. If your bacteria levels decrease, a septic specialist will have to excavate your system and recalibrate it.


If you need septic tank repairs, get in touch with First Quality Environmental. Serving the Oahu community since 1991, the crew will quickly get your septic system back to operational. To set up a consultation with the pumping contractors, call (808) 259-0100. Learn more about the septic system service crew by visiting their website.
