
Like most components in your home, septic systems require routine maintenance to continue providing reliable service. Even a well-maintained septic tank can experience issues on occasion. Thankfully, there are ways to identify these problems and address them before they get worse. Here’s a helpful list of common signs your septic tank needs attention.

Common Signs of a Failing Septic System

1. Lush Grass Patches Near the Tank

While a lush lawn is typically the envy of the block, grass patches that are darker or fuller than the rest of your lawn—especially near your septic tank or drain pipes—may indicate an issue with your drain field, which receives wastewater from the tank. A pipe may have broken underground and is leaking effluent into your lawn. 

2. Water or Sewage Backup

septic systemA backup in your kitchen or bathroom sink, toilet, or tub is a common sign of a septic system failure. If your tank is full, excess waste may flow back into your home.

Blocked pipes can also cause a backup, possibly due to flushing items such as hygiene products and paper towels or from pouring fat, oil, and grease down the kitchen sink.

3. Foul Odor Indoors

If you experience a persistent smell of rotten eggs or sulfur inside your home, it's often caused by gases that can seep in through your toilet or exposed drain pipes because of a full septic tank.

Most commonly, sewage gas enters the house through the wax seal around the base of your toilet. In other cases, it can be the result of a leak in your pipes caused by corrosion, blockages, or a hole in the joints. Sewer gas is not only unpleasant, but it's also dangerous. Contact a professional right away for pumping service or to identify a leak.


If you're experiencing problems with your septic tank, turn to the professionals at Nick Driggers Pumping Service in Greensboro, NC. With extensive knowledge of septic systems, their highly skilled team provides a variety of services, including tank pumping, repairs, installations, and maintenance. Contact them today at (336) 215-4408 to schedule an appointment or visit them online for more information about their services.
