
Private wells offer unique benefits to homeowners in comparison to municipal systems, such as lower utility costs and fresher water. If your property features a well installation, then read below to learn about some of the most common problems with well water and helpful solutions.

What Are Common Water Well Issues? 

1. Sputtering Faucets

Well pump problems usually account for sputtering fixtures. The problem could be due to a check valve that needs replacing or a lowered water table, causing the part to take in air along with groundwater. Other causes of sputtering faucets include air in the plumbing pipes, well pipe leaks, and air charge issues in the pressure tank. A professional will be able to identify the cause and provide the solution to your sputtering pipes.

2. Strange Taste & Odor

well-installation-Wisconsin-RapidsWell contamination occurs for a variety of reasons, such as fertilizer and manure runoff during storms, corroding of plumbing pipes, growing bacteria, and decaying organic waste from surrounding soil. Nitrates in manure and fertilizer can cause blood oxygen problems, while microorganisms and organic chemicals from household products can cause gastrointestinal issues and nervous system damage, among other health issues. Sediment affects water taste as well as appearance; however, it doesn’t harm health. Get your well professionally tested and temporarily rely on bottled water until your well is free of any odd odor or taste.

3. Lack of Water

If there is no water, then this can indicate a low water table. Have the pump repositioned to improve groundwater access. Pressure tank issues can also affect water output and may require resetting the pressure switch. The switch will not activate if the tank’s air pressure is incorrect. The tank’s psi (pounds per square inch) must be two pounds lower than the switch for the latter part to activate. Check to ensure an electricity issue isn’t causing the pump to lose power, such as a surge or a blackout. Reset the circuit breaker in your pump shed; if this does not solve the problem, then there’s likely an issue with the pump itself due to a malfunctioning part or old age.


Keep your well installation functional with services from Powell Plumbing & Pumps Inc., the plumbing company serving Wisconsin Rapids, WI, and the surrounding areas since 1985. Their team offers hourly rates and one-year warranties on labor. This second-generation family business also has a showroom for selling pipes, fixtures, faucets, and parts. Call (715) 325-2050 today to request a quote or learn more about well installation services online.
