
Hard water is rich in minerals, like calcium and magnesium, and can create plumbing clogs. Water softeners reduce the number of minerals in your supply, eliminating chalky deposits on dishes and fixtures. The following guide explores the most common types of water softeners to help you find the right option for your needs.

A Guide to Water Softeners

1. Ion-Exchange

These systems replace the ions that cause hard water, such as magnesium, iron, and calcium, with sodium, hydrogen, or potassium. Salt is the most common substitute due to its wide availability and low cost.

If you choose these softeners, you need to periodically refill the tank with the chosen product. 

2. Salt-Free

water softenersRather than sodium, salt-free water softeners use a potassium-chloride substitute, which can be appealing for homeowners concerned about their salt intake. These systems don’t remove minerals in the supply, but prevent deposits from building up in pipes and appliances in a process known as descaling.

While these systems come at higher upfront costs, many homeowners prefer them because they don’t require refilling. Potassium is also considered more environmentally-friendly than sodium

3. Dual-Tank

Dual-tank water softeners typically come in ion-exchange models. While single-tank products require downtime to flush out minerals after removing them, these systems consist of two resin tanks to supply softened water without interruption.

If you live in an area with a high level of hard water or need a continuous supply throughout the day—including at night, when downtime is often scheduled—this option may be the most beneficial.


If you’re looking for a solution for your home’s hard water, turn to Flo-Rite Plumbing, Inc. Based in Flathead, MT, this plumber installs water softeners to prevent sediment buildup and improve the quality of your supply. Their experienced team is also fully equipped to fix any plumbing issue. Visit their website for more information about their plumbing services. To schedule a consultation, call (406) 257-6897 today.
