
It may seem humorous if your dog is dragging their bottom along the ground. However, this action can leave behind harmful bacteria and may signify your pet isn’t well. While the behavior doesn’t necessitate an emergency visit to the veterinarian, you should understand its cause and what you can do to help your four-legged friend.

Why Dogs Scoot

Dogs scoot when their bum is itchy or painful. The discomfort can be a result of fecal matter, debris stuck on the rear, or irritation caused by clippers, shampoo, or razor burn after grooming. Sometimes intestinal parasites, like tapeworms, could be an issue as well.

veterinarianIt may also be a result of inflamed anal sacs. The anal sacs are located on either side of the anus and are emptied during a healthy bowel movement. If the ducts are clogged, the sacs may become compacted, resulting in inflammation and discomfort. Inflammation can also be a result of a nutritional issue, and you may notice watery bowel movements, as well as scooting and a visibly swollen anus.

What to Do If Your Dog Is Scooting

While scooting doesn’t signify a medical emergency, you should take them to a veterinarian as soon as possible. These professionals will carefully release the blockage to relieve discomfort. If your dog has frequent issues with clogging, surgery may be suggested to remove the glands.

If the anal glands are inflamed due to a nutritional issue, the veterinarian will recommend dietary changes and check for potential food allergies. When you groom your pup, make sure you or the groomer work carefully on the backside to avoid any trauma.


If your dog is scooting, contact the veterinarians at Kapolei Pet Hospital on Oahu, HI. Dr. Yoko Haneda and her team provide compassionate pet care services, treating every patient with gentle kindness. To get more information about their services, visit the website or call (808) 462-8040
