
With most businesses shut down across southwest Ohio during the public health crisis, many of us are looking for projects to fill the hours and keep ourselves occupied. Fortunately, spring weather is here to offer new opportunities, which makes this the perfect time to upgrade and remodel your outdoor living spaces. Mulching is a fantastic way to spruce up your yard, protect your plants, and provide the nutrients your soil needs.

A Guide to Mulching This Spring

The Benefits of Mulching

Strategically placed mulch can boost the curb appeal of several aspects of landscaping. It also prevents the growth of weeds and limits soil erosion while sealing in the moisture a thriving garden needs. As it decomposes, mulch also provides a steady supply of nutrients, which can help reduce your reliance on artificial fertilizers and other chemicals.

How to Add Mulch to Your Yard

outdoor living spaceoutdoor living spaceNo matter what type of mulch you use, it’s important to thoroughly weed beforehand and use enough to discourage unwanted plant growth. In sunny areas, you’ll probably need a lawyer of mulch between four to six inches thick, although about half that should work in the shade.

However, mulching over tender perennials too early in the spring can inhibit growth, since their sprouts may not be able to reach the surface. It’s also a good idea to keep mulch at least one centimeter away from flowers. Otherwise, the extended moisture can cause rot and ruin your favorite plants.

Choosing the Right Mulch

The right mulch for your outdoor living space depends on the type of soil, your climate, and the look you want. Wood chips are a popular choice, especially if you choose a color that contrasts visually with grass and other plants. Because organic mulches decay, early spring is the best time to add them to your soil.

Inorganic mulches can also be a great option for your outdoor living space. Black plastic or rubber sheets spread against the ground prevent unwanted plant growth and seal in moisture, and crushed rock can be an attractive design feature.


If you’re dedicating your extra time to renewing your outdoor living space, Buckeye Lawn and Landscaping/Oheil Irrigation Company is here to help. They pride themselves on using only the highest-quality products on each job as they help keep yards and gardens throughout Montgomery and Warren counties beautiful. Visit their website for more on their mulching services or call (937) 432-9911 to discuss safe delivery or application options that observe social distancing recommendations.
