
Salons are closed, nobody knows when they will reopen and your pubic hair keeps growing. Now what? Many of you just CANNOT shave because the irritation, redness and ingrown hairs are too uncomfortable to live with. The people who only wax every 6-8 weeks may not notice the interruption, but if your hair is driving you crazy, here are some helpful hints to get you through the quarantine without pulling your hair out! (pun intended)

1.If it has only been one month since your last wax, leave it alone. I know it seems like a lot of hair but hopefully it’ll only be a few more weeks before you can get it waxed. And when you do, it’ll be super smooth and last even longer!

2.If you have over an inch growth and want to trim – be careful. That area is very vascular and if you cut yourself with a scissors, it could be a major shark attack experience.

3.If your hair is over 2 inches long and you’re thinking about using an electric razor, beware! I’ve had a handful of clients tell me their overgrown bushes got tangled in their electric razor. 

4.If you trim too short, most likely it’ll be itchy and you don’t want your quarantined housemates to think you have crabs.

5.And, believe it or not, if you trim too short now, your hair may not be long enough to get waxed in May.

Mark & M.E. cares about your personal grooming and the safety of your nether-regions. Stay home and stay safe and we will see you soon. 
