
Most parents track their child's development using well-known milestones. Changes in dental needs from infanthood to the teenage years are particularly useful because they’re frequent and relatively predictable. The child's first trip to the dentist is a good example. Here’s a closer look at what to expect as you watch the development of their oral health.

3 Major Dental Milestones in Childhood

1. Teething

The appearance of baby teeth starts at about six months. However, your child may start teething—or experiencing sore and tender gums as the teeth grow in—as early as two months of age. They may act restless or cry due to discomfort.

To help with the soreness, gently massage your baby's gums with a finger or a cool spoon or let them chew on a chilled toy. Make your child's first dentist appointment when the first baby tooth emerges to learn best oral care practices and develop the appropriate appointment schedule.

2. Loss of First Tooth

dentistBaby teeth, often referred to as milk teeth, normally start falling out between ages 5 and 6, although it may happen as early as 4 or as late as 7. As the adult teeth push out from the gums, the milk teeth loosen and eventually fall out.

Children will naturally worry at it with a finger or tongue, but encourage them to leave it alone and let nature take its course. If you try to remove it forcefully, it could cause unnecessary pain. Once it falls out on its own, don't be alarmed if there’s a little bit of blood, as this is natural.

3. Braces

Adult teeth don’t always grow in as evenly as we'd like, and many kids need braces during their early teen years to correct a crooked smile. If your child needs braces, they may experience some discomfort for the first few weeks and feel extremely self-conscious about their changed appearance. Keep aspirin or acetaminophen on hand for the minor pain and offer compassion for their feelings of insecurity. Before too long, they’ll be used to their new look.


If you’re seeking a skilled and compassionate dentist for the whole family, contact S. Jill Spurlin, DMD in Enterprise, AL. She and her team serve patients throughout Coffee County and beyond, offering both cosmetic and preventive dentistry services for all ages, including dental implants, teeth whitening, root canals, and veneers. Learn more about the practice at their website or call (334) 475-2624 to make your little one’s first dentist appointment.
