
Sheltering in place is crucial to minimizing the infection rate for COVID-19, but what happens when you or a loved one start to experience worrying symptoms? Even if the coronavirus isn’t to blame, some conditions, such as a child with strep throat, may require urgent care. Luckily, many health care providers are offering telehealth services, in which a doctor can make a diagnosis without the need for the patient to be physically present. Here’s a closer look at telemedicine and when to rely on it to protect your family.

A Brief Guide to Telehealth Services

How to Communicate With a Doctor Online

Many health care providers are offering telehealth services over the phone or computer. In some cases, you may need to call the office to schedule your virtual appointment. You’ll also need to have a valid email address. From there, you can download an app, which your physician will use to conduct the virtual visit.

The Benefits of Remote Health Care

urgent careInstead of leaving home and putting yourself, your family, and your community at risk, you can enjoy health care right from your bed or couch. Additionally, you’re more likely to find an open opportunity for a doctor or nurse to address your symptoms, as health care professionals can work remotely with greater flexibility.

When You Should Use It

Make an appointment for telehealth services if you or anyone in your family is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, such as shortness of breath, cough, or fever. You can also use this service whenever you might normally head to an urgent care center.

For example, if you believe your child has pink eye or a persistent sore throat, or if you have an allergic reaction, your doctor can prescribe medication by assessing your symptoms over the phone or video call. For more severe issues, such as persistent bleeding or a dislocated joint, call 911 or go to the emergency room.


If you’re hoping to take advantage of telemedicine services during these difficult times, Palladium Primary Care is here to help. They offer urgent care services to patients age 11 and older throughout the High Point, NC, area. Led by Dr. George Osei-Bonsu, their caring staff will be happy to schedule a virtual appointment, so you don’t have to risk leaving the house. To learn more about their services, visit the website. Call (336) 841-8500 to speak with a representative right away.
