
Bats are an essential part of most ecosystems and do far more good than many people realize. It’s important to remember this if you’re dealing with a bat in your home. They need to be addressed and removed humanely, so keep the following in mind while contacting pest control services.

The Important Roles That Bats Play

1. Managing Insects

If you love to relax outside without being harassed by insects, understand that a healthy bat community is a must. Bats consume countless insects every night and are essentially a natural pest control service. Without them, insect populations would become out of control and likely lead to home infestations.

2. Dispersing Seeds & Pollinate

Bats species that survive on seeds carry and disperse them throughout forests, which contributes to new growth. At the same time, they help pollinate flowers by depositing pollen when they drink nectar from them. Both the seeds and pollen attach to their fur during feedings and are dispersed across the ecosystem during flight. Collectively, this process keeps the ecosystem healthy and helps fruit-producing trees grow.

3. Supporting Cave Ecosystems

pest-control-ohioMany fish and species that dwell in caves count on bats to deliver nutrients. Bats release many nutrients in their waste, called guano, that bacteria and other cave-dwellers, such as bugs and rats, can consume. This keeps cave ecosystems healthy as well, so rodents, insects, and other species can continue calling them home.

4. Feeding Others

Bats serve a grim, but important role as prey as well. Hawks, owls, and other airborne predators eat bats to stay healthy. Ultimately, bats support the ecosystem by maintaining their place as a source of prey and nutrition in the circle of life.


If you’re dealing with bats in your home, it’s best to contact pest control professionals for removal. Batman Enterprises, LLC, located in Mason, OH, has over 20 years of experience and provides 24-hour assistance to customers in the Ohio Tri-State area. This bat removal company is committed to humane practices and ensures bats are safely released back into the wild. Call (513) 600-3079 to speak with a representative and visit their website to learn more about their services. 
