
Asphalt is one of the most common paving materials around, found on driveways and roads across the country. However, it’s still subject to a variety of myths, many based on outdated information. Whether you’re replacing a parking lot or installing a new one, below are some common misconceptions you might have heard.

Popular Misconceptions About Asphalt

1. It’s Expensive

When comparing the initial installation costs, asphalt is usually no more expensive than pouring concrete, and it's generally much cheaper. In fact, if you account for maintenance costs and longevity, asphalt is a much better investment in the long run.

2. It Wears Out Quickly

asphaltAsphalt may have had a shorter life span than concrete several decades ago, but materials and installation techniques have improved dramatically since then. With proper maintenance, an asphalt lot installed today could last 30 years or more.

3. It’s Almost Impossible to Repair

Over time, asphalt surfaces may develop potholes and cracks, which can usually be repaired if they’re caught in time. Minor imperfections can also be fixed without tearing out entire sections of the surface.

4. It Doesn’t Require Maintenance

While asphalt is relatively easy to maintain, getting the most out of your paving does require regular attention from a professional. The surface should be sealcoated every few years, and standing water should be diverted before it seeps into the foundation. As long as these essential tasks are taken care of, your asphalt lot should stand strong for years to come.


Your parking lot is your first chance to make a good first impression, which is why business owners throughout North and South Carolina rely on the professionals at Bryer & Son Asphalt Paving Co. Since 1978, their team of professional pavers has been delivering exceptional results on a broad range of projects, from commercial parking lots to residential driveways. Visit their website to learn more about their asphalt paving services, or call (704) 786-7787 to discuss your project and request a quote.
