
Moles have many labels ranging from beauty marks to cancerous, and they can be confusing at times. Get familiar with what moles are, so you understand why it’s essential to work with your dermatologist to address the growth. To help you get informed, here are the answers to a few common questions about moles.

What to Know About Moles

Are all moles cancerous?

Moles are small growths that develop when skin cells grow in clusters instead of spreading out, and not all of them are cancerous. While most moles are benign, some indicate skin cancer, so always have them examined by a dermatologist.

What causes moles?

While the cause of new moles isn’t entirely known, it’s suspected that genetic mutations play an important role. Other causes may be related to aging and family history or an immune system response to drugs. Schedule an exam with your dermatologist if you notice new growth. They’ll take a small sample of the mole and test it to determine if it’s cancerous.

What do cancerous moles look like?

dermatologistCancerous moles, called melanomas, are usually asymmetrical and have an irregular or jagged border. The color will vary throughout the growth, ranging from black and brown to white and red, and the mole is often larger than a pencil eraser. These spots generally change in size as the disease advances, so always pay attention to any new or different growths.

Can a mole be removed?

Moles only need to be removed if they’re cancerous or for cosmetic purposes. Your dermatologist will recommend a form of minor surgery to remove the growth; they’ll either scrape it off or make a small incision to remove it. This simple procedure results in minimal scarring.


If you want to get a spot checked out, contact the team at Kailua Dermatology Associates on Oahu, HI. These professionals will conduct a thorough exam to determine if the mole is cancerous, as well as the best way to address the growth. To get more information about their services, visit the website or call (808) 261-6133.
