
Different types of structures and work venues require specialized cleaning processes tailored to each building. As unique spaces, swine farms require a thought-out and individualized cleaning regimen, centered around pressure washing. Here’s a guide to how Express Pressure Washers can help with equipment for cleaning a hog barn. 

Hog Barn Pressure Washing

1. Size of Pressure WasherHog Barn

The phase of hog barn pressure washing we realize is planned out thoroughly, timing is crucial. When spraying the walls of a hog barn, it’s helpful to have an adequate amount of gallons per minute, anywhere from 5 gallons a minute to 10 gallons a minute. Having the proper gallons per minute can make your job much quicker. Contaminants clinging to the surface are of vital importance to remove, so the PSI rating can help make sure all contaminants are removed from surfaces properly.

2. Attachments for effective cleaning

Attachments for your pressure washer play a major role in effectively cleaning hog barns. Starting with the standard 15 degree spray pattern nozzle which is great for general cleaning. The high power rotary nozzle for stuck on, hard to remove messes. Lastly your soap and disinfectant foamer attachment to clean and disinfect is crucial for final phase cleaning. Each of these attachments play a vital role in a thorough hog barn cleaning operation.

3. Customizing your hog barn washer

Sizes of hog barn operations vary from farmer to farmer. Express Pressure Washers has many different ways of being able to customize your pressure washing operation. The size of pressure washer, wand length, attachments, hose length for overhead piping inside of a hog barn as well as additional safety features. 


If your hog barn needs a cleaning, consider acquiring high-quality pressure washing equipment from a top supplier like Express Pressure Washer in Blooming Prairie, MN. With over three decades of experience, these professionals are a dealer of the coveted Alkota® Cleaning Systems. To get in touch with a courteous pressure washer sale representative, just call (507) 583-2703. Learn more about the pressure washer distributor by visiting their website

