
Homeowners must schedule regular septic pumping to ensure their waste system is working properly. There are some critical indicators that a septic tank is overflowing and needs professional attention. Here are five signs it’s time to empty your tank.

How to Tell You Need Septic Pumping

1. Bad Smells

septic pumpingAs septic tanks fill up, they may cause greywater and sewage to back up through the pipes. You might not see the waste, but it can emit an unpleasant smell. Homeowners often smell this backflow through their sinks, tubs, and other drains. 

2. Healthy Leach Field Grass

Septic systems use drain or leach fields to clean liquid that bubbles up from the septic tank. The grass over this area may be unusually green and fast-growing if the septic tank is full. This is because the soil is getting extra nutrients.

3. Basement Backup

If the septic tank has reached its fill point, it may force sewage into the home. You’ll likely notice this unsanitary liquid coming out of the basement or lower level drains. Exposure to this waste can cause stomach issues and infection, so contact a septic pumping team immediately to make room in the waste container.

4. Water Pooling

Septic tanks can no longer digest waste when they are full. Solid waste may clog the drain field pipes, filling the grassy surface area with pools of water. Inspect the drain field weekly to look for a liquid that is not caused by precipitation or snowmelt. Set up immediate septic pumping if you suspect the tank is causing these puddles.

5. Timing

Most septic systems must be pumped every three to five years. This timing is based on the septic tank size, how many appliances in the home use water, and the number of people that live in the home. A 1,000-gallon tank may need service every 3 or so years in a household with three people. A 2,500-gallon tank will need pumping every 7.5 years when servicing a 4-person household. Homeowners must keep a record of their septic maintenance to reference so they can pump the tank when it’s about half-full.


Homeowners interested in septic pumping can schedule an appointment with Hometown Sewer Service in Warren County, NY. The family-oriented company has been open since 1949, offering septic services for Lake George and the surrounding areas. Call the Warrensburg location at (518) 623-2453 for information on their offerings, such as grease trap cleaning, septic maintenance, blockage removal, and inspection.
