
The COVID-19 pandemic has created stress and anxiety for many. Temporary layoffs, concerns about catching the virus, and worrying about friends and family members are among the many factors contributing to mental strain. Here, review tips mental health counseling experts recommend to reduce your stress and therefore increase your immunity.

How to Manage Stress During the Pandemic

1. Exercise

Use exercise to release stress and tension. Working out floods the brain with feel-good chemicals that help you relax and boost your mood. Exercise also promotes heart health, supports bone and muscle function, assists with weight loss, and reduces your risk of chronic diseases, among other benefits that improve your physical health.

2. Take News Story Breaks

mental health counselingDistract yourself from the news, which can be overwhelming at times and raise uncertainty. While it’s important to stay informed, it is equally important to protect your mind and body from the ravages of stress.

Turn off the television, put your phone down, and look for other tasks to do, such as reading, sorting your closets, disinfecting commonly used surfaces, and discovering new hobbies, including knitting, drawing, beadwork, or bird watching.

3. Enjoy a Nutrient-Dense Diet

Help your immunity and your mood with whole foods. Sugary fare has been linked to depression in addition to compromising the immune system. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins provide the nutrients you need for more energy and radiant health.

4. Keep Up With Loved Ones

Stay in contact with your favorite people to put a smile on your face. Schedule virtual hangouts on apps to catch up with loved ones who are also practicing social distancing. Enjoy other fun activities such as virtual dance parties and lip-sync battles, or simply chat.

5. Find Ways to Unwind

Look for additional healthy stress outlets that help you decompress and prepare for sleep, as adequate rest also contributes to better moods, more energy, and improved immunity. Take a relaxing bath, unwind with a favorite show, put a few drops of calming essential oils on your pillow, have a cup of chamomile tea, or do anything else that helps you feel ready for bed. 


If mental health counseling will help manage your COVID-19 stress, contact White Spruce Counseling. Serving the Greater Rochester, NY, area, this mental health counseling center offers services for anger management, domestic violence, PTSD, and substance abuse. Call (585) 424-2436 to schedule a session or learn more about mental health counseling services online.
