
Chlorine is an effective microbial agent commonly used to keep viruses and bacteria out of swimming pools and drinking water. While this common chemical is usually safe, prolonged exposure can have an impact on your teeth, especially if the levels are too high. Understanding how chlorine can harm your teeth and when to see a dentist can help prevent serious and potentially permanent damage. Below, learn how this substance can impact your dental health. 

How Chlorine Sanitizes Water

When it’s added to water, chlorine breaks down into several other compounds, including hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ion. These substances attack the walls of bacterial cells, usually killing pathogens in seconds. While these substances are harmless to humans, they also change the pH level of the water, which can have serious consequences for your teeth.

How pH Balance Affects Your Teeth

Ideally, the pH level of a swimming pool should be between 7.2 and 7.8, which is roughly the same as our eyes and mucous membranes. However, a chlorine imbalance can make the water too alkaline and, over time, wear down the enamel of your teeth. After prolonged exposure, you might suffer extreme tooth sensitivity, dark stains, and a transparent look to your front teeth.

How to Protect Your Teeth

If you’re swimming in a chlorinated pool, keep your mouth closed as much as possible. Avid swimmers who usually spend more than six hours per week in the water should see their dentist at the start of the season. A fluoride treatment and deep cleaning can give your teeth the strength to withstand chlorinated pool water and prevent problems from developing in the first place.


Whether you’re a regular swimmer or just need a checkup, the dedicated, compassionate team at Anderson Dental Group offers a wide range of services in a comfortable, state-of-the-art facility. They pride themselves on helping patients throughout Mooresville and Salisbury, NC, keep their smiles beautiful and teeth healthy with personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs. Visit their website for an overview of their services, follow their Facebook for more tips and advice, and call (704) 663-3300 to reach their clinic in Mooresville. To schedule a dentist’s appointment in Salisbury, call (704) 636-3611.
