
If your menstrual cycle is typically regular, then you may be alarmed if you experience two periods in a single month. However, cycles can vary for a number of reasons. Although you should contact your gynecologist to figure out the cause, it’s empowering to learn more about women’s health concerns and how they may affect you. Here’s what you should know about experiencing two periods in a single month.

Spotting Versus Bleeding

 gynecologistIt’s important to know the difference between a regular menstrual period versus spotting. This can help your gynecologist determine if you’re dealing with some type of abnormality. Spotting may be brown or dark red in color, and is not enough to fill a tampon or pad.

By contrast, regular menstrual periods produce blood that may be pink, red, dark red, or brown. Additionally, there is enough to fill a tampon or a pad that must be changed at least once every few hours.

Possible Causes 

It’s not entirely unusual to experience two periods in a single month. Average menstrual cycles are approximately 28 days but can range anywhere from 21 to 35 days. These aren’t precise figures, and specific factors may affect the length of your cycle from one month to another. If you’re pregnant, for example, you may experience spotting, especially during the first trimester. Missing your birth control dosage can also lead to irregular bleeding.

Medical conditions may also contribute. Endometriosis occurs when the tissue inside the endometrium grows outside the uterus. That can cause cycle irregularities, including bleeding so heavy that it replicates a second period. Your gynecologist may also check if you’re suffering from hypothyroidism, which could be responsible for abnormalities. Finally, uterine fibroids, or abnormal growths that develop on the uterus, can induce bleeding along with a feeling of fullness in your pelvis.

Are you seeking a trustworthy gynecologist with whom you can share your concerns? Turn to Caring For Women in Anchorage and Wasilla, AK. Offering a variety of women’s health services, these professionals are committed to your comfort and satisfaction. They assist with everything from PCOS concerns to menopause care. Visit the website to find out more, or call (907) 279-2229 to schedule an appointment.
