
With warmer weather on the horizon, it may be time to consider replacing your current heating and cooling system to ensure safety and comfort in the seasons to come. If you’re in the market for a new unit, here are a few helpful tips to help you pick the ideal product for your property and overall needs.

How to Pick an HVAC System

1. Know Your Options

There are a variety of heating and cooling systems to choose from based on your budget and setup. The most traditional is a central heating and cooling system that includes an air conditioner, a furnace, a fan or evaporator that converts and circulates air, air ducts built into the walls and ceilings, and a thermostat.

Another popular option is a ductless mini-split system. Instead of air ducts circulating cool or warm air throughout a property, individual units installed in each room maximize comfort based on individual preference. These help reduce hot or cold zones as well as boost air purity.

When efficiency is your top priority, however, installing a geothermal system is optimal. This system most commonly uses a series of subterranean refrigeration lines to capitalize on stable underground temperatures, cooling the house in the summer and warming it in the winter.

2. List Your Priorities

Heating and CoolingTo choose which system is perfect for you, prioritize budget, longevity, energy efficiency, individual comfort, installation time, smart technology options, and maintenance requirements. After you’ve determined your must-haves, connect with an HVAC technician who can help you find a system that meets your needs and financial restrictions.

3. Determine Sizing

A system that’s too small is often in continuous use to try and reach desired temperatures. On the other hand, installing a system that’s too large could result in efficiency problems and increased humidity; the duration of the cycles won’t be long enough for evaporation to occur. Work with an experienced HVAC company to determine your home’s sizing needs.


Do you need help finding the ideal heating and cooling system for your household? If so, our team at Jon's Plumbing & Heating will help. With a home base in Mount Vernon, OH, we’ve been serving residents across Knox, Ashland, and Richland counties for over two decades with a focus on quality and friendly service. To schedule an AC repair or new installation, call us at (740) 392-5667. For more information on our specialties and ongoing commitment to customer care, visit our website or Facebook page.
