
Investing in a new roof offers a lot of benefits for your home, and one major benefit is a significant boost in energy efficiency. New, high-quality roofing will make your home greener and more efficient in several ways. If you’re trying to decide if it’s time for a roof replacement, it’s important to know how the project will reduce both your carbon footprint and your monthly utility bills.

The Efficiency Impact of a New Roof

1. UV Ray Reflection

Newcincinnati-oh-new-roof roofs are designed to reflect sunlight, rather than absorbing the UV rays as older roofs tend to do. While a standard roof can reach temperatures more than 150 degrees Fahrenheit under the summer sun, these “cool roofs” can stay more than 50 degrees cooler. When the roof itself doesn’t absorb heat, the heat won’t be transferred into the home through the attic. The interior will stay naturally cooler, and your air conditioning won’t need to work as hard. Your non-conditioned areas, such as the attic and garage, will be more comfortable as well.

2. Better Attic Ventilation

Attics need good ventilation, and a roof upgrade gives you the chance to improve the issue. Fresh air moving through your attic will keep moisture and heat from getting trapped. This helps the roof and insulation last longer without mold growth. It will also keep the attic cooler, which in turn keeps the rest of the home cooler.

3. Improved Insulation

A roof replacement is an ideal time to upgrade your insulation as well since the entire structure will already be exposed. New and better insulation will have a higher R-value than your current setup. This means it will be better equipped to prevent thermal transfer between the indoors and outdoors; it will lock in heat during the winter and keep it out during the warmer months. That insulation will also trap sound, making your home a quieter and more enjoyable place to be.


NuVue Products in Cincinnati, OH offers a full range of products and services to maximize your home’s energy efficiency. They use the highest quality materials for your new roof, replacement windows, siding installation, and other exterior projects. They back their products with a full set of warranties, so you can trust you’ll get a superior performance. Learn more on their website and call (513) 631-1801 for a free estimate.
