
From artisan breads to kosher baguettes, baked goods are a staple of American meals on a daily basis. As the coronavirus pandemic continues, however, access to these items can be limited to what your local store carries and is able to keep in stock. Thankfully, EuroPan has extended their dependable delivery services to local businesses and residents across Miami-Dade County, FL. Previously reserved for retail spaces only, here's a look at the value this service provides to your home, wallet, and health during this difficult time. 

Why You Should Have Bakery Goods Delivered

1. Stay Safe

artisan breadBread and baked goods are staples of every pantry and often a major component of meals. For that reason, it's one of the few products individuals are willing to risk going to the grocery store to obtain.

However, it's challenging to maintain social distancing in a public place with such tight quarters. With home delivery, the baked goods come directly to your door, allowing you to stay safe and avoid exposing yourself to the coronavirus. 

2. Stay within Budget 

Being budget savvy is especially important in the current economy. In some cases, prices of hard to find items have skyrocketed. That is why it is so important to have a network of trusted businesses that remain committed to supporting the local communities where they operate. During these difficult times, EuroPan has extended their delivery services to make sure both their business partners and local residents hae access to high-quality bakery products at the same prices they paid prior to the coronavirus outbreak. 

Choosing home-delivery service from your local wholeseller minimizes the number of trips you have to take to get your grocery supplies and it helps you avoid long lines at checkout. Additionally, most wholesale bakery products, such as artisan bread, are delivered frozen in cases of 20 – 30 loafs per case and the product can last for over 6 months in a freezer, making them a very convenient option these days. 

3. Access to High-Quality Products

Empty and bare shelves have become the new normal at large stores across the country. Unfortunately, that leaves many shoppers getting stuck with picked-over products on the shelf—many of which lack nutritional value.

However, many small local businesses have been able to  maintain their inventory levels and they have also adapted their operations to continue servicing their customers. This is particularly valuable for individuals with dietary restrictions since specialty items, such as gluten-free bread, are hard to come by right now. 

If you're finding it challenging to get quality baked goods and artisan breads in the Miami metro area, home delivery is the answer. EuroPan makes access to their quality products simple and convenient for local businesses and residents. For over 20 years, the Hialeah-based wholesale bakery has served up some of the most delicious baked goods in southern Florida, and now they’ll bring them right to your doorstep so you can stay safe and help your community. Browse their full selection online and place an order for home delivery today at (305) 392-5555.
