
Replacing the HVAC filter is a key step homeowners can take to keep their air conditioner and furnace operating efficiently. While many homeowners may know that this is something they should do, they may be uncertain about how to do it. Thankfully, the process is relatively straightforward. Here is what you need to know.

How Often Should You Replace Your HVAC Air Filter?

There are several factors that influence how often you need to replace your air filter. Most air filters should be replaced every 90 days to ensure that dust and other buildup don’t interfere with your system’s airflow. Leaving the filter in place longer than this could ultimately harm your system’s efficiency and even contribute to repair problems.

HVACA few factors could require you to replace filters more frequently. If you have pets, replace the filters every 30 to 60 days to eliminate pet dander and hair buildup. If you have allergies or asthma, filters should be replaced at least every six weeks to maintain healthy indoor air quality.

How to Replace the Filter

Locate the intake vent for your HVAC system. This is often located in the wall or ceiling, or in a slot close to the unit itself. Open the vent’s storage compartment to determine what size of air filter is currently being used. This way, you’ll know what size to purchase for a replacement.

After you’ve bought a replacement filter, slide or pull the old filter out of the return air vent. Put the new filter in the same position, double-checking that the airflow arrow on the new filter is pointing toward the HVAC unit (the direction the air is moving). Close the vent cover, and you’re all set.


Whether you need duct cleaning or air conditioning repairs, count on the professionals at Rochester Heating & Cooling for all your HVAC needs. Serving upstate New York for over 15 years, their experienced technicians are available 24/7 to provide a prompt response when you need it most. To learn more about their HVAC services, visit them online or call (585) 458-3700.
