
Pest infestations aren’t always easy to spot, and in the case of termites, it can mean serious home damage goes unaddressed. These small insects destroy wood framing and surfaces in homes, which could lead to significant property damage. It’s important to spot activity, so you contact termite control accordingly. Below are common signs and ways to prevent termites.

How to Identify Termites in Your Home

1. Wood Sounds Hollow

Termites will burrow deep inside wood, and eventually hollow it out. If you knock on wood, including raw home framing or doorknobs, where termites are active, it will sound hollow. Over time, the wood will no longer support itself and will fall.

You can keep termites away by removing scrap piles on your property and sealing cracks in your home’s exterior.

2. Windows & Doors Don’t Fit

termite controlIt’s common for windows and doors to expand when humidity levels rise. However, when this becomes a regular problem on low-humidity days, it could mean termite activity

Termites produce moisture as they burrow. Gradually, this moisture can cause wood framing to rot, and windows and doors will no longer fit correctly.

3. Noise in the Walls

Worker termites bang their heads against the inside of their tunnels when they detect a threat, and if a colony is big enough, you’ll usually hear this sound in your walls. This is one of the best ways to detect where termites are active, and you can then search the area with termite control to find the entrance to their burrow.

4. You Find Droppings

Wood termites deposit droppings called frass that they push out of their burrows. If you find a small collection of this, which can look similar to wood shavings or grain, you’ll be able to find the entrance to the termite burrow.

You can also keep termites from entering your home by maintaining a 3-foot barrier between foliage and your home’s exterior. It’s wise to also clean your gutters regularly so they don’t become a nesting spot.



If you suspect termites or other pests, contact Advanced Termite & Pest Control of Crossville, TN. These termite control professionals can address a number of issues, including ants, wasps, rodents, and spiders. Visit their website to explore their full scope of work and call (866) 636-2687 to schedule an inspection.
