
As the weather warms up, you’ll be changing how you use your HVAC system, switching from heated air to cooled air. This is the ideal time to perform some preventative maintenance tasks that will help your system operate more efficiently throughout the spring and summer. The following checklist can help you pay attention to the most critical areas.

How to Get Your HVAC System Ready for Spring

1. Change the Air Filters

Replace filters at the start of the season and periodically throughout the spring and summer. This will prevent dust and allergens from circulating in the air that your heating and cooling system produces.

2. Wash Registers & Ducts

Use a soft sponge and warm water with soap to clean the registers, vents, and ducts throughout your home. This will help you get rid of dust, cobwebs, and other debris that could disrupt airflow.

3. Check the Thermostat

HVACIf you suspect it’s inaccurate, or if your system kicks on and off infrequently, an HVAC contractor can recalibrate the device. If it’s older, they may recommend a newer smart thermostat that you can control remotely via Wi-Fi.

4. Clean Around the Condenser

The condenser is located just outside your home, where it can draw in fresh air and run it through the HVAC system. If there’s debris surrounding the condenser, such as leaves, tree branches, and litter, it may inhibit airflow. Keep this area clean so as not to block the condenser’s vents.

5. Turn Off the Humidifier’s Water Supply

If your unit has a humidifier, it uses water during the winter months to prevent extremely dry air in the house. This extra moisture isn’t necessary in warmer weather, so turn the knob to the “summer setting” to avoid excess humidity.

6. Clean the Evaporator Drain Tube

As warm air travels through your cooling coil, condensation forms and drips down into a pan with a hole or tube. Over time, the pan and the tube can become clogged with algae, causing blockage and leaks. If you don’t have a wet-dry vacuum, clean the tube with a plumber’s snake or by using a garden hose to flush the line.

7. Call an HVAC Contractor

At the start of the season, schedule service from an experienced contractor. Your technician will clean the entire system, including taking apart the condenser and cleaning debris from the inside components. Also, they will look for parts that may be damaged or worn, so you can plan for necessary repairs.


Taking the time to care for your HVAC unit at the changing of the seasons can help you ensure it will run efficiently throughout the warm months. Located in Dundee, OH, Alpine Heating & Cooling has been serving residential and commercial customers in the area since 1993. They have the expertise to maintain older units as well as newer state-of-the-art technology. To request an appointment, call (330) 359-7114. Visit them online to explore their services.
