
A significant decision you’ll make when building a custom home is what type of floor plan you want. A common request is an open floor plan, which has been growing in popularity. Below are a few reasons to consider this option as you design the home with your builder.

What Are the Benefits of an Open Floor Plan?

1. Better Traffic Flow

Open floor plans eliminate the “traffic jams” that numerous walls and doors will create. It results in an airy space for you and your family members to move through. This is particularly helpful to anyone who has mobility issues, such as an older loved one or a child with a disability. Opening the space allows these individuals to use more of the home without problems.

2. Improved Safety

Watching the kids doesn’t require staying in one room and potentially missing a beautiful sunset or lacking space to work on a project. An open floor plan allows you to keep a watchful eye on little ones, without sacrificing your time. This reduces project delays, and other missed opportunities. 

3. Easier Entertaining

custom homeHaving friends and family over is more fun when you have an open floor plan. Instead of feeling stuck in the kitchen while everyone is in the living room or den, you can participate in the conversation because no walls are separating you. Open floor plans also keep people from convening in one area because there’s plenty of room to walk around.



4. More Light

Fewer walls allow more light to stream through your home. Not only will you enjoy the emotional, physical, and mental health perks from natural light, you’ll also have lower utility bills. More sunlight means you don’t have to turn on as many fixtures, helping both your wallet and the planet.

5. Increased Flexibility

Open floor plans allow you to change the space whenever you want. You can turn the area off of your kitchen into a breakfast nook or arrange the living room furniture in different ways throughout the first floor. When walls don’t limit you in a custom home, you can experiment with furniture configurations. 


Discuss your custom home ideas with 5th Avenue Construction in Naperville, IL. This home improvement company serves clients throughout the region, offering custom homes, remodeling, and renovation services. You can expect quality assistance that exceeds your expectations. Call (331) 231-9773 today to get started or visit the company online to learn about their process. Get additional inspiration on Facebook.
