
Whether you’re an independent contractor or are working from home temporarily, it’s important to protect your back. Poor posture and sitting for long periods can result in back pain, so make improving your workspace a priority. Adopt habits and opt for ergonomic solutions, so you continue to enjoy working from home.

4 Tips to Make Your Work-From-Home Setup Better for Your Back

1. Upgrade Your Tech

Working on a laptop keyboard for long periods will cause you to slouch. It’s best to purchase a Bluetooth® keyboard and mouse so you can work independently from your laptop. These can go on a flat surface and allow you to position your laptop screen at eye level, so you won’t hunch and create neck and back pain.

2. Work at the Table or Desk

back-pain-cincinnatiResting a laptop on your lap will lead to hunching, and if you’re working in bed or on the couch, you’re not going to properly support your spine. Choose instead to work at the kitchen table or a desk, if available.

These allow you to hold your spine straight from top to bottom, which will reduce strain on core muscles. You can also create a standing desk by stacking books and a tabletop on the surface. For reference, make sure the desk is at elbow height to prevent hunching over.

3. Buy a Back-Friendly Chair

If you work from home every day, invest in a supportive office chair. These ergonomic solutions are designed for comfort and will prevent back pain. It’s best to find an adjustable option. Being able to adjust the height of the chair, backrest, and armrests will help you find a healthy position.

4. Move Around

Sitting for long periods—even in the right position—can still lead to back pain, so create a workspace you can move around in. Pace around while you’re taking phone calls or move back and forth between a standing desk and table. Stop to stretch each hour as well to keep your muscles and joints loose.


If back pain is a constant issue, the professionals at Eastern Hills Chiropractic can assist. This Cincinnati, OH, practice has helped patients since 1988 and is led by Dr. Matthew Haumesser. You’ll find nutrition services, massage therapy, chiropractic care, and more, and Dr. Haumesser will create a personalized treatment plan based on your needs. Call (513) 528-2200 to schedule a consultation. You can find more spinal health tips on their Facebook page and learn more about the practice on their website.
