
A leaky roof can be a pain to deal with, but as a homeowner, it is in your best interest to get it fixed right away. A prompt roof repair can save time and money, protect your home, and improve the comfort of your family. Here’s why you should never wait on roofing repairs.

5 Reasons to Have Your Roof Repaired ASAP

1. Mold & Mildew Growth

Common roof damage, like cracked or missing shingles, allows water to leak into your home. These leaks will begin to rot the wood of your framework, creating the ideal conditions for mold and mildew growth.

Indoor mold exposure can cause serious health problems in asthmatic or immunocompromised individuals, as well as upper respiratory tract symptoms in otherwise healthy people. If you smell or see mold or mildew growing on your ceiling and upper walls, you could be dealing with a leaky roof.

2. Increased Energy Bills

roof repairA crack or gap leading outside anywhere in your home can cause a sudden leap in your energy bills. These spaces let out heat and air, making your heating and cooling systems work harder to maintain a set temperature. Moisture leaking through cracks in the roof can also temporarily reduce the effectiveness of your insulation.

3. Weakened Structural Integrity

Over time, exposure to water causes wood to rot and deteriorate. This can result in extreme damage to the frame of your home. If a roof leak is ignored and water has constant access to your framework, it could weaken the structural integrity of your home and leave your roof vulnerable to collapse. Warped ceilings, uneven floors, ill-fitting doors and windows, and wall and ceiling cracks are all possible signs of structural problems.

4. Weather Exposure

The primary function of your roof is to protect your family from the elements. If it is incapable of keeping the weather out of your home, it must be fixed. Serious leaks and gaps can leave your family at the mercy of rain, hail, and snow. Moisture and heavy winds from weather exposure will worsen the damage over time.

5. Higher Cost of Repairs

The longer you wait to fix the damage, the more serious and costly a roof repair is going to be. If you ignore a problem too long, your roof could deteriorate enough to require a complete replacement.

Rotting boards and sagging roofs are the most obvious signs of a roof damaged beyond repair. Avoid this immense expense by taking care of issues as soon as you notice them.


If you need timely roof repairs, 1st American Roofing is the go-to roofing contractor in the Lafayette, CO area. Whether the job is replacing a few shingles or installing an entirely new roof, their skilled team has the experience and tools necessary to get the job done right. For more information about residential services, visit their website. Call (720) 203-2900 today to schedule a free estimate.
