
The oral health habits you teach your kids will last a lifetime, helping them maintain a beautiful, healthy smile into adulthood. Instilling good habits and visiting the dentist will prevent cavities, as well as minimize the risk of gum disease and other oral health issues. Here are a few tips to help you keep your children’s teeth healthy, and their smiles bright.

How to Maintain Your Child’s Pearly Whites

1. Teach Them Proper Technique

Brushing and flossing your teeth may seem like second nature to you, but proper technique is a skill your kid needs to learn. As their teeth develop, show them how to brush and floss properly, and take the time to teach them how to hold and maneuver their dental tools. If your child is experiencing difficulty, their dentist may recommend an electric toothbrush and water pick to help them access hard-to-reach areas.

2. Be a Good Role Model

dentistBrush your teeth together before bed, and make sure they see you do it properly. Your little one pays attention to your words and actions every day, so be sure they notice you practicing good oral hygiene. Taking care of your own dental health demonstrates that keeping the mouth clean is a high priority. As a result, your little one will be more likely to develop the same attitude.

3. Eat a Healthy Diet

Low-sugar diets with plenty of vegetables and lean meat will keep your kids healthy and active while minimizing the risk of cavities. Apples and other fibrous fruit scrub your teeth while you chew, scraping off the plaque that can lead to tooth decay.


For more dental tips, contact Nelson Hatanaka D.D.S., in Honolulu, HI. This experienced dentist and his team understand the unique dental challenges children face, and they’ll give you a plethora of tips to implement at home. For more information about their services, call (808) 395-1922.
