
Since most of us are stuck home during the quarantine, now is a good time to give your hair a break. Here are some of the benefits of seeing what your hair is like in its caveman state.

  1. Believe it or not, some manufacturer’s use chemicals in their shampoos that are carcinogenic & contain hormone disrupters. These ingredients (which you usually can’t pronounce) help the products smell good. Hmmm, smell good or breast cancer? Read your labels.
  2. Washing your hair less often saves water, which in turn is good for the environment. That’s always a good idea. We haven’t been very kind to Mother Nature.
  3. Not washing your hair saves time & money. A lot of us have some extra time on our hands but saving money on hair products is a great idea right now.
  4. Brushing your hair more, especially when it is dirty, redistributes the oils and improves the health of your scalp.
  5. Scalp oils are a natural conditioner and can improve the overall condition of your hair. If you get to the point where you have enough oil on your head to fry some chicken, however, then I’d say it’s time to wash it again.                         ~ Have a great day from your friends at the Mark & M.E. Salon 1775 Mt Hope Ave, Rochester 