
Your waste management system works to keep your home clean, safe, and comfortable. In return, you’ll need to schedule periodic septic maintenance appointments to keep the major components in shape. If you’re wondering whether these visits are truly necessary, learn the top benefits of septic services below. 

3 Reasons to Keep up With Septic Maintenance

1. Prevent Sewage Backflow

While your septic tank works to break down waste and filter it into the drain field, it can’t break down all the solid matter. This material will build up at the base of the tank, and the debris should be pumped out every few years. Septic technicians will remove any sludge or debris from your tank using a vacuum truck. If you don’t schedule this septic maintenance measure, the sewage could build up so high that it clogs the input. This can cause the waste to back up into your home’s plumbing fixtures, or throughout your yard. To prevent exposure to toxic bacteria, it’s imperative to schedule regular pumping appointments.

2. Improve the Longevity of Your System

septic maintenance Your septic system’s longevity is significantly affected by how well you take care of it. Every time you make a service appointment, the technician will carefully inspect your tank and drain field, keeping an eye out for small issues like cracks or intrusive tree roots. The earlier that issues are caught, the less of a chance they’ll become the downfall of the entire system, and the longer you can put off an expensive replacement.

3. Learn How to Optimize Your Habits

As a homeowner, you need to learn how to improve your habits so that you can take better care of your system. For example, you might be using too much water during showers, or allowing too many scraps into the garbage disposal. You should ensure that your septic drains are free of hair, large food particles, and sanitary products. You can also optimize your system by having your septic maintenance technician install low-flow fixtures to ensure you save water and alleviate stress on your system. 


If you need septic maintenance, reach out to Garrison Septic Service in Wisconsin Rapids, WI. They can perform a comprehensive inspection, as well as pump out any solid debris inside your tank. Since 1939, they’ve been serving customers throughout the area, providing everything from soil testing to drain cleaning. To learn more about their maintenance services, visit the website or call (715) 325-7282 today.
