
Porcelain veneers are fragile, tooth-colored coverings uniquely designed to fit over the front of teeth. Many choose veneers if their teeth are discolored, misshapen, or damaged. Before a dentist applies permanent veneers, temporary versions are necessary. Temporary veneers can easily be damaged if you’re not careful, especially when eating. Here are four foods to stay away from after you leave the dental office.

What Not to Eat With Temporary Veneers

1. Foods & Drinks That Stain

Temporary veneers haven’t been cured, which means they’re susceptible to staining and discolorization. Drinks such as tea, red wine, or coffee can damage them, and foods such as berries, ketchup, and tomatoes can also leave unsightly stains on your teeth.

2.  Crunchy Foods

dentistAny food that crunches when you chew is likely to be too hard for your temporary veneers to handle. This includes chips, nuts, pretzels, seeds, and hard pieces of bread. Hard foods should be avoided altogether until your permanent set is ready.

3. Tough Meats

If you have to chew a meat, you should avoid it when you have temporary veneers. Eating steak, roasted ham, or chicken can require too much chewing and may dislodge your newly placed veneers.

4. Ice or Candy

Dentists are likely to frown upon ice and candy where your overall dental health is concerned, and they can also chip or crack temporary veneers. Some chewy candy can get stuck to them and cause them to come loose. Even chocolate can stain your veneers, so avoid eating sweets until your permanent coverings are installed.


If you need to see a dentist in La Crosse, WI, for a beautiful new set of veneers, look no further than Main Street Dental. For more than 30 years, this dental team has provided preventive and restorative dentistry for patients of all ages. Whether you need veneers or crowns, the office uses state-of-the-art technology to diagnose and treat your condition. Call (608) 784-4063 to schedule an appointment or visit them online for new patient information. 
