
Aspiring music majors tend to focus on perfecting their craft. From long hours of practice to seasonal performances, creating a repertoire takes hard work and commitment. But does it require good grades? If you have a high school student who wants to study music, consider the following to determine how to guide them through this process.

The Importance of Grades for Music Majors

What Are Colleges Looking For?

A well-rounded education will boost your child’s appearance as a student. It shows that they understand the value of learning and are willing to work hard to achieve their goals; this includes putting in the effort to maintain a consistent grade point average.

high schoolMost colleges require students to take an assortment of general education classes before pursuing their major. As such, admissions will use the grades they earned in high school to determine whether or not they qualify for a position in their program.

How Can I Better Prepare?

Find a private tutor. Although playing in the school band provides your child with pointers on how to improve, having focused lessons with an experienced professional will increase their potential. A private tutor might be harder to come by during the pandemic, but many are offering online lessons and calls over Zoom or Google Hangouts. 

Set aside time for them to listen to different types of music and become familiar with the various rhythms. Encourage them to play around with their own instrument until they become accustomed to the changes in tempo and can make seamless transitions. Get them interested in music theory too, as knowing the basics will make it easier to retain information and excel at a college level.


The educators at Hawaii Baptist Academy in Honolulu ensure a 100% acceptance rate into college, regardless of the majors their students choose. Their thoughtfully curated curriculum will help your child become a well-rounded student to pique the interest of college admissions professionals. To get more information about their high school programming, visit the website or call (808) 595-7585.
