
Between the operation and the medications doctors prescribe, a surgery takes a significant toll on a person’s body. This is why health care professionals recommend scheduling hospital transport services after having a procedure. Whether it’s getting you home from the hospital or running errands in the days that follow, it’s important to hire a professional driver for the following reasons.

Why Hospital Transport Is Needed After Surgery

1. Accommodates Limited Range of Motion

When you leave the hospital, you may be wearing a cast or orthopedic device. Although these stiff and sturdy devices are essential, they’ll limit your mobility and range of motion, making it difficult to safely operate a vehicle.

2. Compensates for a Slower Reaction Time

The anesthesia has adverse effects following surgery because it can hamper your reaction time on the road. Since your brain isn’t functioning as efficiently as normal, you may not be able to quickly stop for a pedestrian or swerve away from a vehicle if a dangerous situation arises. Additionally, driving medicated has similar legal consequences to driving under the influence of alcohol, as it debilitates your sense of awareness.

3. Offsets Reduced Grip Strength

hospital transportThe anesthesia may also temporarily minimize your ability to grab and hold items. This can be problematic when driving after surgery because you won’t be able to maneuver the steering wheel effectively. You’ll experience the same issue with the gear stick if you have a manual car transmission.

4. Deters Further Injury

Several daily activities require driving, which can place unnecessary stress on your incision. Simple tasks, like wearing a seat belt, getting in and out of the car, and operating the gas and brake pedals, can tear at stitches and reopen a healing wound. An open wound will put you at a higher risk of contracting an infection and igniting dangerous complications.


If you have a surgery coming up, schedule safe hospital transport services by calling the team at RERK Transport in Waipahu, HI. These professional drivers are trained to work with medical devices and will safely load everything you need into the vehicle. They’ll ensure you get home safely after the procedure and will continue to provide support by taking you to followup appointments. To get more information about their services, visit the website or call (808) 671-7242.