
Tropical storms are common in Hawaii, and they can cause power outages and electrical emergencies. Be prepared by creating a plan, so you know what to do when this situation arises. Before you call an electrician, here are a few steps to take when the power goes out.

What to Do During an Electrical Outage

1. Check the Breaker Box

A sudden power surge can trip a breaker and turn out the lights, even if the grid is still running. When you check the breaker box, make sure all the switches are on—most of them should be facing in the same direction. If a switch has been tripped off, flip it back to restore power.

2. Look Outside

If the breaker box is fine, check outside to see if the lights in your neighborhood are illuminated. This may include indoor house lights, traffic signals, and street lamps. If the entire neighborhood is dark, the electrical grid is down.

3. Stay Out of the Fridge

electricianLeave the doors of the fridge and freezer closed to preserve their temperatures. Constantly opening the door will let cold air escape, and you’ll spoil your food. To remind your household of this essential task, lightly tape the door shut with masking tape or put a sticky note near the handle.

3. Unplug Appliances

While the fridge can remain hooked up, the rest of your home appliances should be unplugged. This includes computers, televisions, and other small appliances, like coffee makers and toasters. Your devices need to be unplugged because the returning electricity can surge through them and permanently damage their internal components.

5. Use a Car Charger

Use a car charger to keep essential communication devices, like smartphones and radios, operational. These cables are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased online or at most convenience stores. Stash a few around the house, so you can always stay updated with the news and keep in touch with family, neighbors, and the electric company during an outage.


The next time the power is out, and you need an electrician, contact the team at ‘Oihana Electrical Services in Makawao, HI. These professionals will inspect your home’s electrical system to ensure it’s functioning properly and make the necessary adjustments to restore power. To find out how their electricians can help you during an outage, message them online or call (808) 212-9991.
