
Even though getting dental fillings is a minor procedure, it’s something you’ll need to prepare for. It’s important to know what to do prior to and following your appointment. This overview will show how you can ensure the procedure will be successful.

What Should You do Before Getting Dental Fillings? 

A dental filling requires drilling into the tooth and depending on how far the cavity has spread, it may require more extensive drilling into the nerve. This will require the use of an anesthetic that may leave you feeling groggy and unable to drive yourself home. To be safe, plan for a friend or loved one to drive you home following your procedure.

Additionally, your mouth will be sore. Stock up on soft foods that are easy to eat before going in for a filling. Try soup, jello, cottage cheese, or other foods that won’t require much chewing.

Once you’ve met with your dentist to discuss the procedure and what kind of anesthetic will be used, speak with your family doctor to find out if any medications you’re currently taking could interact with the anesthesia. You may need to stop taking certain medications to avoid an adverse reaction during, or after, the procedure.

How Can You Care for Your New Fillings? 

WhileDental Fillings the procedure should alleviate your toothache, your tooth will be sore, or sensitive. By sticking to soft foods that are easily chewed, the soreness will subside much quicker. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and keep your mouth clean. Your dentist will let you know when it’s safe for you to begin eating more solid foods.

While you may worry about causing yourself further discomfort, continue with your normal oral hygiene practices. It’s important to still floss once a day, in addition to brushing your teeth two or more times per day. Try toothpaste and mouthwash that’s specially made for sensitive teeth to help alleviate some discomfort. Continuing to practice good oral hygiene will help protect against cavities, so you can avoid future fillings. It’s recommended to schedule a teeth cleaning every six months to keep your mouth and teeth healthy.


iCare Dentistry in Norcross, GA is accepting new patients. Their staff has been providing compassionate and high-quality dental care to families in Gwinnett County for several decades. To learn about the full range of oral care services they offer, visit them online. To schedule an office visit, call them at (770) 609-6106.
