
A clogged shower is a common annoyance. When you’re washing away the day, the last thing you want is to be ankle-deep in sudsy water. Although a plumber can unclog the drain quickly, the best way to deal with clogs is to prevent them in the first place. With a few tweaks to your routine, you can keep your drain clear.

How to Prevent Shower Drain Clogs

1. Rinse the Drain

Whenever you’re done showering, turn the water on full force, and make it as hot as possible.  Let it run for a few moments to flush the drain and wash away any stray hairs or grease buildup. This will keep your drain and pipes clear. 

2. Keep Oils Out of the Drain

Grease and oils can build up and cause a major clog, requiring you to call a plumber to unclog the drain. This is because oils congeal once they’re cooled and harden down the pipeline. If you like to use bath oils or other products that contain significant amounts of oil, consider using them outside of the shower. Whenever you use an oil-based product, towel it off instead of rinsing it down the drain. 

3. Use a Drain Cover 

unclog drainDrain covers are an inexpensive device usually made from stainless steel and silicone. They keep hair from going down the drain and causing clogs. Empty the catcher into the garbage and clean it to remove built up soap residue and stray hairs every few days. 

4. Keep Hair Under Control

Before stepping into the shower, thoroughly brush your hair to remove any loose strands. Pay attention while bathing and collect any loose hairs you see and throw them away when you’re done. If you don't need to wash your hair, wear a shower cap to keep your strands under control. 

5. Clean the Drain

Using vinegar or baking soda to unclog a drain is a common remedy, but it’s actually an effective preventive tool as well. Pour half a bottle of vinegar or a handful of baking soda down the drain,  then let it sit for 10 minutes. Afterward, flush the drain with hot water to keep it clear and prevent odors.


A clogged shower isn’t just inconvenient, it can cause leaks and damage. If your best efforts at prevention don't keep the drain clear, turn to Putnam Plumbing to unclog the drain. They’re available for 24-hour plumbing emergencies throughout Cookeville, Algood, Monterey, and Baxter, TN, and can handle anything from a simple clog to more complex plumbing problems. Contact them online or at (931) 520-3569 to schedule an appointment with a plumber.
