
Although some people still hang their clothes out to dry, many can’t imagine life without their clothes dryer. It’s a convenient addition to the modern household. Unfortunately, when it’s not properly cared for, this popular household appliance can malfunction and even cause a fire. If you own one of these machines, protect your dryer and home by following these do’s and dont’s.


Clean the lint screen. 

When lint builds up, it forces your dryer to work harder and increases your utility bills. It also hinders airflow, which raises the risk of heat buildup that can cause a fire.

Keep lint at bay by cleaning out the lint screen after every dryer use. Also, every three months, deep clean the screen by applying some laundry detergent and thoroughly rinsing it. 

Clear the dryer area of fire hazards. 

household appliancesStore all flammable items, such as paint, pressurized spray cans, chemical cleansers, and loose clothing, far away from your dryer. Dust and pet hair also pose a fire risk, so clean the area regularly and keep furry animals out of it. Clearing the area around your appliances can decrease the overall temperature in the space and avoid overheating.


Throw in dirty or sopping laundry.

When you put dirty clothes in your dryer, the residue can corrode your machine. Instead, shake off any debris and always run the clothes through your washing machine first 

Also, since sopping, heavy clothes can overwork the motor, run them through another spin cycle in your washer before throwing them in the dryer. If your clothes are always sopping after a load, call a household appliance repair technician to see if there’s an issue with your washing machine. 

Overload the dryer. 

If you put too many clothes in your dryer, it’ll be forced to use more power, increasing both your energy bills and the risk of a breakdown. In addition, your clothes might not dry completely, causing a musty odor. In general, don’t fill the drum more than halfway and don’t overload it with heavy items like rugs or large blankets.


To keep your dryer in excellent condition, turn to Appliance Repair KY. Based in Fairdale, KY, these trusted technicians have inspected and repaired household appliances for more than 50 years. Learn more about their services online or call (502) 771-5440 to schedule an appointment.
