
Viruses have been on everyone’s minds lately, and whether you’re concerned about catching the flu or COVID-19, you can take steps to prevent the spread of the germs that cause them. Using health care supplies, such as sterile gloves and hand sanitizer, and following these tips can help keep you and your loved ones safe.

How to Stop Germs From Spreading

1. Wash Your Hands Often

Hand sanitizer is OK, but washing your hands with soap and water is ideal for stopping the spread of germs. The friction from scrubbing your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds removes bacteria more efficiently than other methods. This helps prevent illnesses because people often touch their faces without even realizing it.

2. Disinfect Your House

health care suppliesGerms can settle onto surfaces such as countertops, tables, door handles, and flooring, where people pick them up and spread them. Cleaning your home with disinfectants should be routine, and you should pay special attention to areas that people touch frequently.

3. Stay Away From Those Who Are Sick

People who are exhibiting symptoms of the flu or novel coronavirus—including fever, cough, and shortness of breath—are likely carriers of the virus. By avoiding contact with those who are ill, you dramatically reduce your chances of catching and sharing the same illness. Stay at least 6 feet away from everyone, especially those who are sick.

4. Remain Home When You Are Sick

Many people underestimate or downplay their symptoms—or don’t exhibit any—and continue working or interacting with others. The smartest course for yourself and others is to stay home, rest, and stay hydrated. The only reason you should leave is if you need medical attention, health care supplies, or groceries. Ideally, send someone you live with or a remote friend to fetch these items; they should wear a mask outdoors because they could also be infected.


If you’re concerned about the coronavirus in Cincinnati, OH, get health care supplies from Bernens Medical & Pharmacy. This locally owned pharmacy also offers products such as top-of-the-line blood pressure monitors, braces, and diabetic supplies at cost-effective prices. Their pharmacists are knowledgeable and experienced. Call (513) 471-7575 or visit them online to learn more about their services and products.
