
Coffee is the morning go-to beverage for many, as it provides the kick-start you need to navigate the day. Whether you’re an avid java drinker or new to coffee and its many incarnations, it’s important to know how it affects your oral health. Here’s what many dentists want you to know about coffee to keep your smile healthy and bright.

How Coffee Stains Your Teeth

Like tea, soda, and wine, coffee contains polyphenols known as tannins. The substance features color compounds that stain your teeth. Tannins embed themselves in the tiny ridges and pits in tooth enamel, leaving yellow stains.

Adding cream to coffee unfortunately doesn’t make the liquid less likely to discolor teeth because it doesn’t eliminate the tannins. Daily coffee consumption makes stains form faster.

Additional Effects of Coffee

dentistBesides stains, coffee affects teeth in other ways. Its acid content increases tooth sensitivity by wearing away enamel, the protective outer layer of teeth that gives them their white hue. Enamel erosion makes teeth brittle, discolored, and sensitive.

The caffeinated beverage also encourages bacterial growth in the mouth, much like all drinks other than water. Tooth decay susceptibility can subsequently increase depending on the amount of coffee consumed every day.

How to Prevent Staining

If you love drinking coffee regularly, dentists recommend protecting your teeth against staining, sensitivity, and decay by keeping water within reach. Sip water while drinking your favorite java beverage to rinse your mouth, which will prevent tannins from sticking and bacteria from flourishing.

Drink iced coffee through a straw to protect your teeth from stains and acids, and wait at least 20 minutes before brushing your teeth after enjoying your cup of joe. Brushing your teeth immediately after drinking coffee works acid into the enamel and wears it down. 


Whether you drink coffee or not, maintain your oral health with dental services from Joy K. Lunan DDS in Middlebury, CT. The dentist offers Zoom!® teeth whitening and many other cosmetic and restorative treatments, such as fillings and dentures. Call (203) 598-7920 today to schedule an appointment or visit the dentist online for patient forms.
