
It’s estimated that nearly 8% of adults suffer from bruxism, which is an oral health condition that results in teeth grinding while you’re asleep. While this problem can result in extensive dental damage, wearing a nightguard can help protect your smile and allow you to sleep more soundly. Still, since many aren’t aware of the risks of bruxism, or that they even have the condition, they may not take steps to ask their dentist about a solution. If you’re concerned about grinding your teeth at night, below are three ways that using a custom nightguard can help.

3 Ways a Nightguard Can Help You Sleep Better With Bruxism

1. Minimize Snoring

When you grind your teeth at night, your jaw movements may end up restricting airways, and in turn, cause you to snore. In severe cases, this airway blockage may even result in sleep apnea, which is a chronic condition characterized by impaired breathing during sleep.

Wearing a custom nightguard will place an extra layer of protection around your teeth. The additional space provided by the oral appliance can help reposition your jaw so that your airways stay open and allow you to breathe more peacefully as you sleep.

2. Stop Soreness

family dentistCrushing your teeth together and moving your jaws aggressively throughout the night can leave you waking up with an extremely sore mouth. While jaw soreness can dissipate as you start your day, more significant damage to oral tissues and nerves can trigger chronic pain, especially when you chew or talk. Tension may also contribute to recurring headaches.

When you wear a nightguard, your mouth will have a more difficult time moving as you sleep. With ongoing use, the oral appliance will help your jaws relax so that you don’t exert pain-inducing pressure on your teeth and gums.

3. Prevent Physical Damage

Teeth are incredibly strong. After all, they are designed to bite and chew through a variety of foods. But when they grind together, the strength of your teeth may cause more harm than good. Specifically, the abrasive force can cause teeth to chip, crack, or become misshapen. To prevent these problems from affecting the quality of your smile, you may need to see a family dentist for restorative treatments, such as dental crowns and veneers.

If you’d rather keep your smile intact, it’s better to wear a custom nightguard. Crafted from durable plastic, these devices will pad your teeth to protect them from grinding-related damage.


If bruxism is getting in the way of your smile, Jerry A. Laws, DDS, and Caitlin Miller Pugh, DMD are here to help you find relief. Providing comprehensive oral health services in Lexington, NC, these experienced family dentists can accurately diagnose bruxism and prescribe comfortable, custom nightguards to protect your teeth. If grinding has led to damage, these providers also offer many advanced restorative treatments to keep your smile looking its best. To learn more about their capabilities, visit this dental clinic online. For appointments, call (336) 249-7708.
