
A neat and orderly storage unit ensures you can easily access items when the need arises. It also prevents damage to your belongings, which may be impacted by the build-up of dirt, dust, and grime. To organize your long-term storage as best as possible, follow these steps.

How to Clean & Organize Your Storage Unit

1. Set Aside Enough Time

Once you get into the thick of the cleaning process, you may find that it’s taking longer than expected. As such, make sure you have ample time to clean and reorganize the space. Arrive early on a weekend or another day where you can devote much of your time to the task at hand, so you won’t feel pressured to complete it quickly.

2. Tackle One Task at a Time

storage unitsYou’ll likely need to dust, sanitize, and reorganize your unit during the cleanup, which can seem overwhelming. Breaking down the process into parts makes it much less intimidating. Tackle one chore at a time in an order that makes the most sense. For instance, consider dusting items first, which will make the process of reorganizing them less unpleasant, as dust can exacerbate allergy symptoms.

3. Enlist Help When Necessary

The right assistance can take a task that would typically last several hours or even a full day and pare it down into one or two hours, depending on the circumstances. Entice helpers by inviting them out to a meal afterward to reward them for their hard work.


While you must keep your storage unit neat and clean, you must also ensure you use the right facility for your needs. American Self Storage safeguards belongings via controlled access and 24/7 video surveillance. They also provide a wide range of storage options for people throughout Alabama, including climate-controlled and non-climate controlled units, and units fit for automobiles and boats. Learn more about their storage choices by visiting their website.
