
As time passes we have all been finding it more difficult to look forward to our futures. Some have turned to panic and complete isolation, others have tried to continue life as normal as possible, and some have found a middle ground between being prepared and normalcy. In these troubling times it’s easy to start to question everything and get worked up. But, it is best if we can all stay calm and focus on the things we CAN control.

  1. Keep Yourself Motivated.

Find things that interest you. Try something NEW! Find a new craft project, a new author, or listen to new music.  Go out for nature walks and reconnect with the great outdoors.  Write a letter or compose an email to someone, and truly express yourself.  Keep your spirit energized and hopeful.

  1. Look Forward to the Future!

Plan your next great adventure!  Look into possible vacation spots and make a dream list of places to visit. Start that home renovation you’ve been talking about:  there are many free services to look into for your planning phase. “Window shop” online for ideas and discuss them together.

  1. Start Exercising!

Now is the perfect time to work on yourself!  You can even find an online source for workouts. Since so many gyms are now offering online coaching, find one you trust and that works with what you need.  Take the bicycle out of the shed and go for a ride. Go for a Hike along one of the trails near you and pay attention to the life going on around you.

  1. Family Time!

Play games together, get out the Scrabble board and see who has the best vocabulary. Watch Movie’s: do a marathon of Harry Potter, Star Wars, or Star Trek. Ask questions about the movies and the story lines and keep everyone engaged. Learn how to do a craft together, bond over the learning process and see what you can create as a family. 

  1. Live your Dreams!

Have you been wanting to write a book? Have you wanted to learn how to play an instrument? Have you wanted to take your crafting to the next level and market it? Have you wanted to learn to speak another language? Pick up that art project you didn’t have time for, finish that sculpture, complete your painting masterpiece, inspiration is everywhere! Take the time now to chase those dreams!  You have the time, what are you waiting for?

  1. The Here and Now!

Focus on the time you get to spend with your loved ones.  Take pictures, all the time. Stare at your children and remember what makes you proud about them.  Spend the time with your family that you always wish you could. Bond with your spouse, your son, your daughter, your parents, your siblings and your grandchildren.  Forgive past mistakes when possible and remind each other that you love them. 

  1. Date Night!

It’s not over yet. You can still enjoy date night activities. Go for a drive and look at the scenery.  Go for a walk and hold hands. Do a candlelit dinner for two and watch a movie cuddled up together after the kids are in bed. Leave each other notes around the house to find and never let the passion die. You can find new and creative ways to have quality time alone with the one you love. 

  1. Life After

Now is the time to focus on your life, and the changes you want to make. How do you want to continue after everything settles down? Do you want to go back to the status quo or have you realized there are some things you want to change? What do you want your priorities to be? What would you like to see change? Make a list of goals and find a way to attain them. Your future is in your hands.


The Team at Denali Graphics & Frame wish you all the best.  We are all right there with you as we all learn how to live during these times. We will be here to assist you as you all need and look forward to servicing our great community soon. Stay Healthy, Stay Happy, and Stay Motivated!

