
No matter how much time you spend preparing your resume, you won’t make a lasting impression on job recruiters without an excellent cover letter. While a resume lists your skills and accomplishments, a cover letter explains how those experiences make you the perfect candidate for the job.

How to Write a Standout Cover Letter

1. Personalize It for the Specific Job

Some people think they can send the same cover letter to multiple job recruiters. However, the purpose of a cover letter is to describe why you’re the right person for a specific position at the company. That means you must write a new cover letter for each job you apply to.

Explain how your work experiences and skills meet the requirements listed in the job description. Research the company’s values and describe how they align with your own beliefs. Also, instead of writing “To Whom It May Concern,” address the job recruiter by name; if you don’t see a name in the job description, call the employer’s main phone number and ask for it. 

2. Use Keywords

If a company gets thousands of applicants, they might use a program to scan cover letters for words and phrases to narrow down the choices. Those words and phrases are usually the qualifications listed in the job description, such as the specific skills, action verbs, and type of degree required. If you have those qualifications, include them in your cover letter exactly as they’re written in the job description.

3. Close With a Specific Call to Action 

job recruitersBefore ending the cover letter, provide a specific reason why the company should contact you. For example, instead of saying that you want to talk more about possibly joining the company, write that you’re excited to discuss how you could use your skills to help the company reach its goals.

Again, thoroughly research the company’s mission and values before you start writing. Politely explain that you’re available for an interview at the job recruiter’s earliest convenience. 

4. Proofread

Even if you follow the tips above, you might not get an interview if your letter is littered with typos. Issues with grammar, spelling, and punctuation will make you seem unprofessional or even uninterested in the job. Proofread the document multiple times and ask friends or family members — especially those with strong grammar skills — to review it carefully. 


To land and nail your interview, turn to the team at Work USA Inc. Based in Lincoln, NE, these employment specialists have helped people find their dream jobs for more than 20 years. They’ll give you a variety of listings along with career counseling and interviewing tips so you can make a fantastic impression on job recruiters. Learn more about their comprehensive services online or call (402) 474-9675 to discuss your needs with a friendly team member. 
